/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 19:24:55 Dec 24, 2010 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 11:19:44 Nov 30, 2015. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ //- IfEnterAction -// function IfEnterAction(oEvent, oForm, cAction, cSelId){ if ((EventKeyCode(oEvent) == 13) || (EventKeyCode(oEvent) == 3)) { oForm.Action.value = cAction; oForm.SelId.value = cSelId; oForm.submit(); return false; } return true; } //- IfEnterScript -// function IfEnterScript(oEvent, cScript) { if ((EventKeyCode(oEvent) == 13) || (EventKeyCode(oEvent) == 3)) { eval(cScript); return false; } return true; } //- EventKeyCode -// function EventKeyCode(oEvent) { return ((oEvent != null) && (oEvent.which != null) ? oEvent.which : event.keyCode); } //- ExportZip -// function ExportZip(cStream) { var cZip = cStream.replace(/\?/g, ''); return cZip; } //- ExportFon -// function ExportFon(cStream) { var cFon = ''; if (cStream.length >= 10) { cFon = cStream.substr(0, 3) + '-' + cStream.substr(3, 3) + '-' + cStream.substr(6, 4) if ((cStream.length == 15) && (cStream.substr(10, 5) != '?????')) { cFon += ' x' + cStream.substr(10, 5).replace('?', '') } } return cFon; } //- Console_AddRemove -// function Console_AddRemove(oFromSet, oToSet, bIsAll) { //+ unselect for (var hOption = 0; hOption < oToSet.length; hOption++) { oToSet.options[hOption].selected = false; } //+ move for (hOption = oFromSet.length; hOption != 0; hOption--) { if ((bIsAll == true) || (oFromSet.options[hOption - 1].selected == true)) { oToSet.options[oToSet.length] = new Option(oFromSet.options[hOption - 1].text, oFromSet.options[hOption - 1].value, false, true); oFromSet.options[hOption - 1] = null; } } } //- Console_Pack -// function Console_Pack(oSet, oField) { var cPack = ''; for (var hOption = 0; hOption < oSet.length; hOption++) { cPack += ',' + oSet.options[hOption].value; } oField.value = cPack.substring(1); } function PNGTransparent(cId, cClass) { var arVersion = navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE"); var version = parseFloat(arVersion[1]); if ((version >=5.5) && (version <7.0)) { document.getElementById(cId).className = cClass; } }